Flow Group News
Flow Group
14/03/2016 @ 6:34

Flow at Lisboa Dance Festival
Flow Records national team at Lisboa Dance Festival 4 March 2016. https://www.facebook.com/lisboadancefestival/
14/03/2016 @ 6:12

FV068 - Dale Middleton on Flow
Another amazing release by uk rising star Dale Middleton. 3 fine pieces of music for every time of dancefloor. Check and buy them here
Flow Records
08/01/2016 @ 12:49

Markus Henriksson on Flow Vinyl for 2016 solid start
Markus Henriksson from Minilogue/Son Kite/Nobody home to start Flow Vinyl´s 2016 year. Check all info in FV releases section
16/11/2015 @ 23:22

Out now on Flow Vinyl
Just out now on beatport with massive support from the big boys, Grab it here
17/08/2015 @ 13:55

FLR1537EP - Kasall & Cristian R. - Feeling for the soul EP
Flow Records returns in full force once again with the second release on the label by the talented Kasall & Cristian R. who deliver three dance floor goodness tracks.
Flow Group
08/08/2015 @ 6:35

Flow Summer Closing Party - Danny Howells
Hi, to close our summer daytime parties trilogy, who else than the legendary Danny Howells to make some magic. Check the event on the events are and on our Facebook here
17/06/2015 @ 13:38

Flow & Musik@ll Rooftop Party com Matthew Dekay
Our second part of our rooftop trilogy. This time with the amazing Matthew Dekay on July 4th. All info on our Facebook or events area.